Sad Week… Need Refresh

summer days at the Shack

summer days at the Shack

tBoW and pals lost a very dear pal last Sunday. Team taster Papa Fred was riding his bicycle up Mulholland when he was inexplicably run over by a police car. Papa Fred died instantly. But that changes nothing in the larger sense. A wonderful man, terrific friend and outstanding husband and father has been snatched from our world. He is gone.

We are berry berry sad. We will never fill the hole he leaves.

We will pull many corks in his honor, smoke some stogies with IGTY, and even drink a toon or two with Lou.

Fred was just honing his wine game making the move from “chardonnay” to Pomerol. Milt brought a star wine to the Saturday night party hosted by Dotoré, tales of which might have filled this post. We all smiled as he told a Rimmerman whopper. The team loves Rimmerman [ed. the Garagiste infection introduced to the tBoW team by Fred’s oldest son and ace taster Kris B] whoppers.

So tBoW takes this week off to enjoy more memories of times he spent with Milt, things we talked about, Bruin victories we shared, [ed. sorta] toons we sipped, and his disappearance from our lives. Recovery is not an option.


  1. Wavatar
    Kris-B says:

    That’s one of my favorite pictures.

  2. Wavatar
    igty says:

    he was a good guy. he’ll be missed. why do you make people sit on your lap?

  3. Wavatar
    doctore says:

    Wonderful man. Generous, hilarious, always interested and interesting. Will be greatly missed.

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