Becky Wasserman pours; tBoW and Dotoré oblige

becky1.jpgThis is the way it is supposed to be. Hanging out at the local wine haunt – Woodland Hills Wine Company – tasting 13 wines imported by tBoW’s top Burgundy importer – Becky Wasserman – on a late Friday afternoon.
The Divine Ms. W showed of 7 white wines (including a couple Rose’s and three sparklers) and 6 reds. We present the white flight in this post. Saving the red post for next week. If you are chagrined or disappointed please find solace in knowing Paul Smith, aka Mr. WHWC, did admonish the tBoW tasting Team for not heading straight to the good stuff.
The event was well attended without ever being too crowded. A $40 entry fee was more than fair especially given that earlier in the week the same wines were presented with food for $225! Note the prices quoted were reduced 10% for the event.
parigot2.jpgParigot Cremant de Bourgogne Brut Rosé $20: Pinkish color, weedy nose which was not unpleasant. Good spritz, surprisingly alcoholic for a light alcohol wine. The problem here is the summer is closing and tBoW team still has pank product to move through if you get my drift. 100% Pinot Noir. 12.5%
berthelot champ.gifBerthelot Brut Champagne Reserve $33.30: Yeasty nose. Nutty almond and green apple flavors. Interesting blend of 40% Pinot Meuniere, 35% Pinot Noir and 25% Chardonnay. 13%
camillesaves champ2.gifCamille Saves Brut Champagne Carte Blanche 1er Cru $49.50: Pears on the nose. Also a bit soapy which could have been the glass but I do not think so. Pretty nose, creamy texture and flavor. 13%
saladin tralala.gif2008 Saladin C√¥tes-du-Rhone Ros√© $15.30: Dumb name for a very nice U20 great pink summer wine. This domain had a red offering, too, that was also well priced and outstanding. This is mostly Grenache. Has a spicy nose. Firm spine. The way we like ros√© wines. If it weren’t so late in the season…although this would hold up nicely to the Thanksgiving bird. 13%
bachelet aligote.gif2006 Bachelet Bourgogne Aligot√© $22.50: Aligote is always interesting. Some call it the poor man’s Chardonnay since it is grown in Burgundy. tBoW wonders if that is the US impression or if it is of French origin? Yeast and tannins on the nose. Twigs. Acidic and lean. Nice for the varietal. You have to like the style to like the wine. Never caught on with tBoW. 12%
bretbrospussy.gif2006 Bret Brothers Pouilly-Fuisse Le Clos Reyssie $30.60: Creamy yeasty nose. This is Chardonnay like you just do not get in the New World. tBoW taster IGTY points out a recent Wall Street Journal article on the follies of California Chardonnays; in two words oak and butter. Like taking a cube to a tree and trying to drink it. Not this delicious wine. Clean flavors, not too tannic. Tastes like Chardonnay. We bought it. 12.5%
2007 Bize Savigny-les-Beaune Blanc $27: Acidic, lean. Fruity lime flavors. Another Chardonnay winner. Contrasts very nicely with the Pussy Fussy. We bought this one too!. Here is a nice website on the winemaker Patrick Bize. 12.5%
This finished the “light” flight. The tBoW tasting team headed away from the bar and over to the table manned by Becky’s husband and partner in crime who was pouring 5 Pinot Noir wines and one Rhone blend. Read all about it next entry.
Here are a few parting comments on the social aspects of a tasting like this one.
dotore bruce.jpgDotoré made a new friend, Bruce. He is a jazz trombone player who has sat in with Ella. After spending much of the tasting chatting with Bruce I helped him pick out some Argentine Malbecs. We lost track of Bruce at the sales counter so if you are reading this entry Bruce please check in. Dotoré wants to share more jazz stories.
Dotor√© also immediately made a good impression with Becky by praising the Chateau Fitou imported by her last year. She was pleased a consumer [ed. at least a seasoned consumer] remembered and praised the winemaker who searched out old 60 y.o. Carignane along with Syrah and the array of other old vines in the Languedoc Rousillon. “Everyone think he’s crazy for seeking out these small old vineyards no bigger than this store.”
She is a darling and we completely enjoyed speaking with her. Like both her sons, Peter and Paul, she has an encyclopedic knowledge of French wines. We missed thanking her for the great tasting so tBoW thanks her right here and now in the blog. Thanks Becky!! Keep ’em coming!!

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