Wine Nostalgia is Natural, No?

1960 memory

1960 memory

Wines should trigger memories. Seems only fair memories survive while brain cells are drowned, right?

A reader asked for clarification on a tBoW phrase “Proustian lavendar sashay” intended to describe a memory. The French novelist Marcel Proust wrote a seven volume opus “In Search of Time” which was translated as “Remembrance of Things Past.” No. We have not read any of the volumes but we did consult wikipedia.

However, to understand what is a Proustian memory trigger we need science: “relatively minor details of an episode are sometimes inexplicably linked to long-term memories.” Proust wrote “as soon as I had recognized the taste of madeleine soaked in her decoction of lime-blossom which my aunt used to give me … immediately the old grey house upon the street, where her room was, rose up like a stage set…”

Have you ever taken a whiff of a wine, or have you seen a label, that shot you back to a place or situation which triggered another set of memories? As a teenager tBoW delivered newspapers that involved the personal collection of subscription fees. When the door opened on certain homes the scent of potatoes and sauerkraut put him back in post WWII Germany where he lived in German neighborhoods redolent with that collection of scents. Now if we could only find a wine that held those familiar olfactory triggers! [ed. to this day tBoW won’t eat sauerkraut. Fussy like Dotoré!]

perraud_bourg-08WEB2008 Perraud L’Oeuvre de Bourgogne Rouge $20: A nostalgic purchase made at the new Pasadena wine store Everson Royce which is located in a site renovated as a wine shop – Heritage Wine – by old wine business pal Greg Gilooly. Greg has been involved in every aspect of the wine trade. Not sure what he is doing now but I do miss chatting with him over lunch and wine. Back to this bottle of wine: right price, right “level” [ed. he means Bourgogne which is entry point Burgundy that in the right circumstances – vintage, winemaker – can be quite accessible]. Tough finding anything on the Internet to “inspire” other than the following regarding this winemakers apparently popular Macon-Villages: “not a great wine by any standard.” We agree! Burgundy-fruity which means not fruit forward in the Old World way, however, fresh in the New World way. Held up for 3 days after being opened. Went with three different meals. Fortunately there are other Bourgogne wines meeting the same criteria that taste better. 12%

melon-NVwebNV La Sceur Cadette Melon Vin de France $21: Eleven percent alcohol white Burgundy made from a mysterious cross fertilized Muscadet and Chablis according to John Tilson of the legendary [ed. he does not throw that word around like a pseudo cork, thank you very much] Underground Wineletter who ought to know. The only mystery is John had a vintage date on his bottle. This one does not. W-h-a-t-e-v-e-r. Every taste a gooseberry? Or an ollalliberry? Me neither. But I bet they taste like this wine. Green berry flavors, fresh with substance. Lean like a skinny housewife of NY. Easy to drink, tasty and satisfying. Picked it up at DomaineLA. Would buy another. Great wine on Sunday evening with trout. Imported by Kermit. 11%

muellercab97WEB1997 McKenzie-Mueller Cabernet Sauvignon $TAFI: Bob Mueller is one of many farmer winemakers operating in the Napa hinterland of Carneros. His wines need time. They are rustic, muscular in a sinewy sense. They are not overripe, overblown or intended to win “big scores.” Given time to develop in the bottle his wines satisfy immensely. This wine was first in the lineup with a meal at the resurrected Giorgios in Rancho Palos Verdes. We are usually reluctant to try Napa Cabernet Sauv, Franc or Merlot unless they are from this winemaker. This wine is typical of Bob Mueller’s skill. Exceptionally balanced, comforting, warm. Flavors interlaced such that no single characteristic of Cabernet Sauv dominates. Classic California. Here’s a tip – McKenzie-Mueller wines are so enigmatic, older vintages can be found online sometimes at bargain prices. 13.5%

Here is a memory of the King in his prime when he made movies that were cool. An IGTY favorite.

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