Xmas to New Years, Le Ka Restaurant Review
Nothin’ left of 2012 but the memories. The fiscal cliff, the NFL season, Steve Nash’s return date…all yesterday’s headlines. How was New Years Eve? Memorable or forgettable? We are looking forward to 2013 and more and more U20 wines, Largené, the Krisses in Piemonte, and a return of the Field Mouse. Now that he converted us to white Rhones and Pennsylvania Pinot Noir we need to be regaled again for missing other little known regions. It could be make-or-break year on many fronts…including wine. Soon as the Eno Merchant comes online we will be announcing and buying. While he is getting ready Mr. G has provided a restaurant review below of a new hot LA dining spot. Forewarned is fore-armed. We also plan to feature more tasting notes from our newest tBoW team tasters the Young’uns, Their awesome [ed. young’un speak] palates are ready and willing. God Bless’em! (more…)